有了化学或生物分子科学的学位,你能做什么? 阅读我们校友的成功故事. 


Janel Smith ‘03 BS Biomolecular Science; General Dentist, Sandstone Family 牙科


研制COVID - 19抗体

Amy Jenkins '02 化学 and Biomolecular Science; Program Manager, U.S. 国防部 



Kevin MacKrell '17 BS Biomolecular Science; Student, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 



Jennifer Karekos的生物分子科学14学士学位, '15 MBA; Associate Director of Program Management, 阿克伦生物技术



Emrah Özel '14

当我决定继续深造的时候, I was looking for an excellent 研究 program available at the  graduate level in the field of biosensing. 很明显,esball国际平台客户端的化学esball国际app课程作为生物传感研究选项中最好的课程之一脱颖而出.

2009年,我加入了esball国际平台客户端西尔瓦娜·安德烈斯库教授的研究团队进行esball国际app研究,并获得了博士学位.D. 2014年获分析化学学士学位. Not only was the graduate program content relevant to modern-day industry endeavors and standards, but the culture of the university and Professor Andreescu’s 研究 team were key building blocks to my success. 在我在esball国际平台客户端的整个过程中, I was given the opportunity to actively collaborate with 研究ers in several other chemistry disciplines, 尤其是生物化学和纳米粒子化学, and also worked with biology 研究ers on biosensor engineering and biosensor applications in living organisms. 因为我在esball国际平台客户端的学术训练和成就, I have become a competitive scientist in the IVD (In Vitro Medical Devices) field.

我是雅培糖尿病护理中心的资深科学家, where I carry out advanced 研究 projects to improve existing sensor technologies, 构思并论证下一代传感器的可行性. I am responsible for formulation development, characterization, prototyping and verification. 在那之前, 作为一名高级研究科学家,我有机会在Fitbit的高科技创业氛围中呼吸,负责电化学和比色生物传感器从概念到工作原型的开发.

My advice to current and prospective students is to take advantage of the multidisciplinary 研究 opportunities provided in the 化学 Graduate Program in order to achieve your goals as future professionals; and definitely enjoy your time at esball国际平台客户端. Let 's Go Tech!

克里斯蒂娜·伊斯帕斯(Cristina Ispas) 10岁

I was attracted to esball国际平台客户端 because of its reputation for  high quality biotechnology 研究, 与此同时,纽约波茨坦提供了美丽的环境,成为一个友好而充满活力的生活和学习场所. While a graduate student at esball国际平台客户端 I learned the importance of being relentless, not giving up and looking for answers to all of the questions that I could possibly ask.

回顾, 我可以看到,我决定进入esball国际平台客户端化学esball国际app课程是一个非常重要的决定性时刻,在塑造我的职业道路. It led directly to my current position as a Senior Manager at Siemens 健康ineers. At Siemens I develop strategies and plans to ensure on-time completion of major project milestones, I estimate resource needs and drive cross-functional recommendations and decisions, 同时定期向行政领导团队提供最新信息. 目前, 我管理着两个项目团队,他们正准备将制造和生产体外医疗设备所需的所有流程转移到中国上海. I am in charge of developing and executing strategies for responses to regulatory submissions, 为临床试验提供投入, 准备提交中国FDA的文件.

My advise to others would be to make the best out of each opportunity that comes your way and don’t forget that your career path is in your own hands; work hard, but also don’t forget to play hard and give back when the opportunity arises.

Natali Guz, 13岁

esball国际平台客户端坐落在阿迪朗达克山脉附近,环境安静,有很多野生动物和户外活动,支持我理想的生活方式. That, coupled with a reputation for cutting edge 研究, were very attractive to me. I felt it would be a great opportunity and atmosphere for studying and working towards my graduate degree.

这次经历出乎我的意料. 我有机会与化学教授一起从事许多不同的项目,并与其他部门的研究人员合作. 我们完成了跨学科的研究,我实现了我的梦想,学习和超越我选择的领域:结合生物学, 医学, 物理与化学. esball国际平台客户端的学生人数很少, 但同时, 是一个团结的大家庭吗. Collaborative 研究 is encouraged and thrives within the esball国际平台客户端 研究 community.

目前我是加拿大airsun 全球的研究总监, 为一家生物科技公司做产品开发.

I have great respect for esball国际平台客户端 and especially to its community of good caring people, 哪个是最重要的部分. esball国际平台客户端, 对我来说, 是一个建立专业同事网络的地方吗, 最终, 一辈子的朋友.


I chose to be an undergraduate 化学 major because of the ability to customize the program to fit my interests. esball国际平台客户端的课程吸引我是因为学校的规模和esball国际平台客户端的名声.

我选择这个专业也是因为这里的教授. The relationships that you build with your professors at esball国际平台客户端 are unlike any other. 作为生物分子科学或化学专业的毕业生,将有很多机会获得实践经验,这将使毕业生在许多专业领域受益.

My undergraduate experience at esball国际平台客户端 prepared me for my new career in many ways.  I learned how to use scientific instruments and developed other technical skills that I use daily in my new position. 我学会了如何批判性地思考和解决问题. I also learned how to interact with people in a professional environment.

目前,我的工作是产品开发分析化学家. 我负责对活性药物成分进行分析测试,并相应地记录处理后的数据.

My one piece of advice is to know yourself and what you think will make you happy. Four years is a long time, and choosing the right environment to help you succeed is very important. 你会知道哪所大学对你来说是正确的选择. 当然了!

Joshua Pyser '16

esball国际平台客户端有家乡的感觉和小班授课,这是真正伟大的了解我的同学和发展个人和支持关系与我的教授. 教授们随时都可以联系到,这使得在esball国际平台客户端声誉的一部分——严格的课程上获得帮助变得容易得多. 不是每个教授都知道他们的名字.

esball国际平台客户端有很多机会参与本科生的研究,我在esball国际平台客户端的大部分时间都在研究实验室进行真正的化学研究. This allowed me to develop skills that 最终 prepared me for grad school and are skills that I still use today.

I really fell in love with the esball国际平台客户端 campus and enjoyed being tucked away in the woods in Potsdam, 纽约.

I was able to join the esball国际平台客户端 cross-country ski team which is something many other schools don’t have. It was so fun to go on all the hiking and mountain biking trails that esball国际平台客户端 has on campus. 这真的是一个美丽的地方去上学,我很高兴我最终选择esball国际平台客户端为我的本科教育.

我希望这几个原因能帮助你做出决定,你会考虑esball国际平台客户端,因为我发现它是一个非常棒的学习地方,我对我在那里接受的教育非常满意, so... 走吧,科技!


I am originally from India and was happy to be admitted to esball国际平台客户端 for the 化学 Graduate Program. 我之所以被这个项目所吸引,是因为该系提供了广泛的专业化学研究领域和课程, particularly the opportunity to participate in enzyme biotechnology-based projects with Dr. Evgeny卡茨. 这正合我的兴趣.

博士领导下的研究工作. 卡茨, 以及他的导师, 为我在生物传感器领域的职业生涯铺平了道路, 生物运算, bio-analytical化学, electro生物化学, 生物燃料电池和酶提取. 我还有幸与物理学教授. Vladimir Privman作为我在生物计算方面的合作顾问. 在做博士研究时. 卡茨的实验室, 在2007- 2011年期间,我获得了“最佳海报”奖和“最佳论文”奖,并与他人共同发表了10多篇与酶生物计算相关的项目. 我最美好的记忆是在一个令人兴奋的地方工作.600万美元的ONR(海军研究办公室)赞助了一个项目,旨在开发一种“芯片上的野战医院”,供士兵在战场上佩戴. 博士的指导、指导和鼓励. 卡茨对我的职业生涯和专业发展贡献很大. His mere availability and willingness to help above and beyond anyone’s expectations was truly amazing.

I am currently working as a Principal Scientist at CFD 研究 in Huntsville, Alabama. 我负责整体技术管理, 项目计划与管理, 以及与国防部有关生物电池和生物传感器项目的技术商业化和插入工作.

esball国际平台客户端 will give you a great educational and 研究 experience in all aspects of chemistry, 电化学, 生物化学, 药物化学等. 教授总是愿意帮助完成课程作业, 研究, 出版物, 演讲, 论文准备和职业发展. 努力工作的意愿和实现目标的热情是关键,esball国际平台客户端将帮助你实现目标.


有机会与才华横溢、知识渊博的教师在创新和令人兴奋的研究项目上密切合作,这是esball国际平台客户端吸引我的地方. esball国际平台客户端学院是一所实力雄厚的理工科学院,强调有竞争力的技术教育,这一点对我很有吸引力. 我喜欢学习和了解我周围的世界和材料, 所以化学, 特别是材料化学, 对我来说是显而易见的选择…

The chemistry undergraduate curriculum at esball国际平台客户端 offered me the knowledge and skills I needed and showed me that, 通过努力工作,尽我最大的努力, 我能克服我遇到的任何挑战.  我天生的好奇心和创造力是化学领域的巨大财富.

As an undergraduate I was a teaching assistant in the lab and a supplementary lecturer. 并非所有地方都有这样的机会. Teaching solidified my knowledge of chemistry and led to comfort and confidence in public speaking, 这是展示研究成果的好技巧. I had a hands-on opportunity for learning as an independent undergraduate 研究er. 在实验室里和我的研究指导老师. Devon Shipp, and his graduate students,  prepared me for success in the chemistry graduate program.

作为Lydall Performance Materials的高级过程控制器,我负责维护控制和可复制的生产过程,以开发加热器添加垫片材料.  我的大部分工作包括管理我们的产品配方, 更新工作指导书和程序, 评价新原料, 协助对不合格品进行根本原因分析, 原料污染, 或者客户投诉, and creating/revising bill of materials for goods in process and finished products. 我还评估和实施原材料替代或二次源原材料项目,以及管理新产品试验.  新产品开发, 我与我们的创新和开发工程团队合作,帮助将他们的配方转化为我们的工业流程.

My advice to prospective and current students is to always be proud of your dedication, 努力工作和成就.  We can only do our best and we must remember that we learn from both successes and failures.  这两者对于你的成长和成为最好的人都很重要.  It is important to have a good support system of family, friends, and faculty. 关键是:永远记得要相信自己.